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Our Certified Process
Conforming to standards IS 9001 and BS ISO 17100

Case Studies & Testimonials
The Department of Education and Skills is a department of the Irish state with responsibility for education and training. The mission of the Department is to enable learners to achieve their full potential and contribute to Ireland’s economic, social and cultural development. The Department has a commitment to the improvement of services that can be delivered through the medium of the Irish language. We successfully applied for the tender for the provision of Irish language services and, using certified translators, are now providing information, such as press releases, in Irish. The Department of Education and Skills (DES) have a requirement to translate all internal documents into Irish and English. To ensure they get the best value for money, this work is put out to tender as part of a framework agreement. There are 2 key demands of any vendor providing translation services for DES; an ability to provide very quick turnarounds for urgent projects, and delivering an exceptionally high level of quality. Stealth Translations Ltd, were one of the suppliers who had their tender response approved and subsequently were invited to join the framework of suppliers to provide Irish langauge translations to and from English. The reason for choosing Stealth Translations Ltd, was due to the fact that they were able to demonstrate that 64% of all translation projects carried out over the period of a year would be classed as urgent. A translation test was also carried out and met the criteria for quality. Stealth Translations Ltd, were also able to demonstrate that the translators who were approved to work on the framework were of a very high callibre, both in terms of their academic achievements as well as their career translation experience. To date, DES have benefitted significantly from the translation services of Stealth Translations Ltd with more than 50 projects completely successfully many of which have been highly urgent, important documents for the internal communication within the various departments of DES. They have also benefited at no extra cost, from the technological resources Stealth Translations Ltd have in-house since they had been testing a new resource management system and Stealth Translations, as a vendor were able to provide testing feedback on the new IT system.
Department of Education and Skills
Based in Larne, ACJ Trading is a family run business and specialise in supplying, installing, servicing and repairing wind turbines all across Northern Ireland. Often, user manuals from wind turbines imported from countries such as Denmark and Germany are only available in their respective language. Using a specialist team of technical translators we were able to provide accurate, cost-effective translations of the manuals. This allowed ACJ Trading to safely construct and maintain imported wind turbines.
ACJ Trading
Hills Financial Planning specialize in professional investment portfolio construction and Inheritance Tax planning
Hills Insurance
Based in Bavaria, Germany, Jörg & Sohn provide high-quality medical equipment to both the private and public sector. Jörg & Sohn’s aim is to expand their customer network worldwide and continuously improve on the service and products they provide. Working with Jörg & Sohn we were able to help them to produce marketing material and user manuals in other languages, such as English and French. Using a team of experienced medical and marketing translators we were able to ensure that the finished product fully met the client’s expectations
Jörg & Sohn
Why Use Stealth Translations?
- Exploit our native speakers of the target language and linguists with specialist knowledge of the project requested,
- Ensure your translated documents are consistently cared for following the ISO 9001 and ISO 17100 processes which are the recognised international standards for quality in the translation industry,
- Utilise the track record of an award winning agency with more than 10 years of experience and broad range of expertise in the finance industry,
- Gain full confidence from a service which has an intense commitment to quality and continuous improvement,
- Stay in touch with the progress of your project with a dedicated customer relationship manager,
- Exploit the benefits of our technology with translation memories which can be used to reduce costs and turnaround times of future projects as well as improving consistency of language used from previous assignments