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3rd level qualified linguist
Native in target language
Customer instructions evaluation
Revision by 2nd linguist
Linguists have 3rd level qualification
Native in target language
Customer instructions evaluation
Certified to ISO 9001 and ISO 17100
+10K words receives 3rd linguist QA check
Revision by 2nd linguist
Linguists have 3rd level qualification
Linguist native in target language
Customer instructions evaluation
Certified to ISO 9001 and ISO 17100
3rd linguist QA check
Specialist in target language and industry

Why Use Stealth Translations?

  • Exploit our native speakers of the target language and linguists with specialist knowledge of the project requested,
  • Ensure your translated documents are consistently cared for following the ISO 9001 and ISO 17100 processes which are the recognised international standards for quality in the translation industry,
  • Utilise the track record of an award winning agency with more than 10 years of experience and broad range of expertise in the finance industry,
  • Gain full confidence from a service which has an intense commitment to quality and continuous improvement,
  • Stay in touch with the progress of your project with a dedicated customer relationship manager,
  • Exploit the benefits of our technology with translation memories which can be used to reduce costs and turnaround times of future projects as well as improving consistency of language used from previous assignments.

Case Studies & Testimonials