How important are Medical translations?

How important are Medical translations? Whilst the highest standards of accuracy and quality must be maintained in translation work in any field, they are of absolute importance in the field of medical translations, given, of course, that the stakes for a patient or user of a particular service can be very high.As with any effective…

What makes a Good Export Strategy?

If a business intends to make a significant impact in terms of exporting it is essential that a well-considered and effective export strategy is developed which will reflect the changing nature of the international trade market. Arising from the establishment of the World Trade Organisation, are some significant issues, one of which is the importance of…

3 Top Tips on Engineering Translations…

The most common but also most overlooked difficulties with maintaining excellent quality in engineering translations are having both the theoretical understanding, which most usefully comes from practical experience, and a sound knowledge of industry related vocabulary in both the source and the target languages.